Wednesday, May 30, 2012




On the 30th year of my life,
It was my turn to weep.
It’s time, my love, said the wind.
It’s time to cry this year.

It took my love and hid it where
No one, not even she could see,
That the deepest part of my soul
Was right between the place
Where anger meets pain,
And forgetfulness meets solitude.

I forgot to smile but
I remembered to hurt.
I thought of laughter but
It was a scary thought,
So I let it go and there it went,
Floating away in one of my tears.

In a country that resembles nothing that
I knew before, my laughter met my long lost love.
They remembered together when I used to feel
And lament how now I can only cope.

But here I come! Don’t worry, love! Laughter, hang on!
I am coming alone but certain, that the place where you went
Is where I really belong. In the middle of the lake that
Hosts our boat, wait for me with the whiskey of life and the rum of hope.
Here I come, where I belong
I come alone,
Don’t let me fall.
I hang on only to me this time.
And to you, my broken soul.
Let’s do it together.
Let’s both go, to the place where we know,
We won’t fall out of love.

©2012 Cassandra Huidobro

Saturday, May 26, 2012

The Girl in the Green


The girl in the green (ode to AR).

Inside, justice, come with me.
Outside, grass, look at him; he wants to weep.
On the green, he goes to sleep.
He said it just for him.
I will say it to honor her.

Don’t sleep, darling. Watch the night. It will light up soon.
You will be home soon.
You will be safe soon.
Hold the metal steady.
Watch the night, please.
Watch the sky.

Squeeze your fingers tight.
Here comes the sound.
Go take the plunge.
We love you here.
The night awaits, the sky is red.
The morning comes, the sun will rise.
But watch the night,
It will end soon.

Put your face to the grass and
Leave your sword close.
Point it to where we should follow
And we will be along.
Tell me her name.
I will relay that it was her who lit the sky
The night your sword pointed to the hill
Where the moon was dark and the chill froze your dreams.

Under a tree darling, on the green.
That’s where we find him each time we read about him.
That’s where your place is.
Next to the history of the beauty of words.
That’s where you should be.

Now sleep alone only for a second,
For soon we’ll come and you will be prose,
And unforgettable you will become, my rose,
With us.  

©2012 Cassandra Huidobro

Friday, May 25, 2012

Choose Yourself


Choose yourself.

Look at the water
Don’t stare. Look.
Look at the light in the life of a tear.
Gone already. It’s in vain.

The smile of the street,
The laugh of a train
Picture it and you’ll know what I mean.
This life is free for you if you are reading this.
Enjoy and toast. Why not? You are free.

Insipid skies only happen in your eyes.
You are brutal to life if you don’t see
That on this cherry night, the moon laughed
And the sun flirted with a star, while the
Smog of a car drove under the Milky Way and
Waved hello to Orion and to Venus in the sky.

Don’t be blinded by your broken heart.
It’s not easy. I am in it. But see the beauty of life.
What will the Mountains say to you tomorrow?
Why not look at their magic today instead?
Or look at the Empire State.
Its evening light in the winter can give you hope.
You are in two different states.
Now go home and feel the air in your being.
You are alive and I understand that you feel dead, but
Don’t go against it. There is a plan out there, I think,
And it is this:
Learn. Do it differently and even better next time, but hurt today.

Just look at the smog of the car that goes past the moon
And says hello. Just the smog does. Not the human.
Do you really want to be him?
Notice, my darling! Life surrounds you even in sorrow.
Rise, my love, inside you are stronger and you know it.
Take the time it takes, but don’t linger on it.

Everything smiles at you; you just have to spot it.
Open your eyes at night and close them in the morning.
You’ll see that life goes on and that you are in it at this moment.
Choose yourself. There is nothing more to say on it.

Make a circle with your hand around your right eye and
Look at only the Sky. See it. Say where you are and
Remember where you were while you were free and in
Pain. Remember. You may be here again. Be calm.

It’s been said before but now it means something to you.
Take it in. Good luck and smile. You are stronger than you know.

I trust you.

©2012 Cassandra Huidobro