On the 30th year of my life,
It was my turn to weep.
It’s time, my love, said the wind.
It’s time to cry this year.
It took my love and hid it where
No one, not even she could see,
That the deepest part of my soul
Was right between the place
Where anger meets pain,
And forgetfulness meets solitude.
I forgot to smile but
I remembered to hurt.
I thought of laughter but
It was a scary thought,
So I let it go and there it went,
Floating away in one of my tears.
In a country that resembles nothing that
I knew before, my laughter met my long lost love.
They remembered together when I used to feel
And lament how now I can only cope.
But here I come! Don’t worry, love! Laughter, hang on!
I am coming alone but certain, that the place where you went
Is where I really belong. In the middle of the lake that
Hosts our boat, wait for me with the whiskey of life and the
rum of hope.
Here I come, where I belong
I come alone,
Don’t let me fall.
I hang on only to me this time.
And to you, my broken soul.
Let’s do it together.
Let’s both go, to the place where we know,
We won’t fall out of love.
©2012 Cassandra Huidobro
Very beautiful, thank you for sharing those moments in your life that insipired you, even if they weren't always happy.